Advent Christmas

posted by Gretchen

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Probably more during the holiday season than at any other time of the year, I find myself thinking about the children still out fishing on Lake Volta. I don’t think it’s because I see people (myself included) buying gifts and spending money and basking in materialism while I know so many kids are still out there, although that’s true too. I think it’s because this time of year, for Jesus followers, is geared so much towards celebrating the birth of Jesus, the coming of a Messiah to redeem His people.

There’s this idea of the advent season, an expectation and anticipation. I’ll admit, I’ve never really known much about advent and haven’t spent a lot of time dwelling on the build-up to the birth of Jesus. But this morning, I listened to a lesson on the history of the Israelites who experienced years and years of tyranny and injustice, yearning for deliverance from their God. And the point was made that God promised that deliverance to His people, yet it was a good 400 years between that promise and the birth of Jesus. Our season of advent is so short in comparison, yet we still celebrate and yearn for a King to bring truth and peace and justice to His creation.

I'm learning to appreciate more and more the gathering excitement of the weeks building up to Christmas day, the joyful spirit with which we prepare and plan, the time that looks forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior. In doing so, I cannot help but think of those who will not be celebrating their deliverance, especially their physical deliverance from enslavement. My heart yearns for the children in Ghana, and those all over the world, to know the God who brings justice, peace and hope to His people.

He has delivered us all, and so I am burdened (in a good way) with doing everything I can to make sure Abraham, and Tomas, and the 7,000 others on Lake Volta know that deliverance too.

Last year, Mercy Project shared a video that we referred to as the "Christmas Conspiracy". This year, that video was revamped to reflect Mercy Project's growth and vision over the last year. I'd like to share it with you as a reminder of what Christmas is really all about, in hopes that you would continue reminding me that this is a time to celebrate a birth, a deliverance, and the coming of our Lord.

Mercy Project's Advent Conspiracy 2010

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