Time to Hit the Road...

posted by Gretchen

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I'm feeling the pre- race season anxiety attacks today; that ominous time of the year in which the base miles have been built, and it's time to put 'em to the test. Marathon training is about to be in full swing, but first up is Mercy Project's 2nd Annual 'Run 4 Their Lives' Relay! Our 2 teams, Abraham and Chakobi, will be leaving from Lake Ray Hubbard at 10 pm tomorrow (Thursday) night, aiming to arrive at Lake Conroe before noon on Saturday. So pumped! We have had a few logistical 'hurdles' leading up to the start of the relay, but everyone is excited and ready to take on the challenge. Our combined fundraising goal is well underway, and we are thrilled about another event to help our sweet friends out on Lake Volta. Did I mention the excitement level here?!

This child will be on my mind all weekend. One day, he too, will know rescue.

Check out the Mercy Project FB page for updates along the way and then back here next week for a recap of the weekend.

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