Mercy Project Launch!

posted by Gretchen


Big milestone: this is my 300th post, and it only took me 4.5 years! In celebration, I will be looking for 300 comments today...

Actually, the true celebration today is for some sweet kids in Ghana: Mercy Project has gone full-time!

It's amazing to look back over the last year and see how MP has taken root and shape. Started last August, the original goal was to raise a one-time $40,000 for a house for rescued kids. After 11 months of relays, World Records, and many other endeavors, nearly $70,000 has been raised and the support to launch Mercy Project full-time has been provided. Official today, Chris begins work as the Executive Director with a solid foundation and plan to be the voice for so many kids on Lake Volta. Great things are in the works for this organization; I'm so excited to see how God will use my dear friends and so many others to further the Kingdom in this way, and I could not be more blessed to be part of the journey.

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have prayed, donated and dreamed big with us! God is so good!

Along with the news, we've launched a new website! Check it out here. You'll be able to read about the kids, see pictures and videos, and find out how you can get more involved.

And if you want to leave 300 comments, that would be ok too. Blessings on the day~


  1. Anonymous
  2. Emily Nickson

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