God is Not a White Man

posted by Gretchen

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Lucky you. Two posts in one day, get ready...

To start things off, some random updates from the big city:

*Working from home has been nice. It's hard to beat going to work in your sweats and not having to commute anywhere. I'm sure it won't last forever, but for now, it's been enjoyable.

*I've started running again, and it's about time! I am becoming 'one' with my new orthotics and hoping that they will continue to help me out. I have relays and marathons to train for, no more of this sitting around junk, dangit.

*I have become fully immersed in the World Cup. There are some good matches coming up this weekend for the Semi-finals. The thing I love most about soccer is that it is the one sport I can watch for hours on end and understand everything that's going on (besides maybe golf or track). I just can't get excited about football or basketball season, but futbol... oh yeah.

*We've had quite a bit of rain in Dallas this week and loving every bit of it. Cooler temps and a great reminder of God's provision and renewal.

*I am once again working from Panera and there are two ladies at the table next to me that are practicing their French. It's pretty impressive and sounds really cool. Makes me want to backpack across Europe.

*Two of my friends bought houses this week and one got a new job. It got me thinking that maybe it's time for a big change in my life. It most certainly won't be the purchase of a new house, but it could be a different job. Who knows. I'm taking suggestions on what I should be when I grow up.

*I have added a new book to my all time Top 10 list, maybe even the Top 5. Pretty big. Pick up Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It's brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. I'm 3/4 through it and already want to go back and re-read it. I'll put some quotes up here when I finish it. Did I mention that it's brilliant?

*I came across this video yesterday and though it was cool enough to share. It's an added bonus that the entire video is made out of felt. If nothing else, you gotta be impressed by that. Check it out:

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