Chuck E. Cheese

posted by Gretchen

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Good news! Chuck E. Cheese has a design opening. At last I've found my true calling! Ha! I'm job searching today, which is always fun. But, it is that time again. Weird week. I don't think there was a single day of normalcy. But then, that's sorta how I like it. Let's see, there was a random Open Mic night on Monday that ended up being a very cultural experience. Slam poetry at its best. Then there was Dollar Pokey-O's Night on Wednesday after church. Stellar evening for sure. Lots of gym time this week, though no running. I have now become well acquainted with Plantar Fasciitis. Let me be clear that we are not friends, but have indeed met head-on. Slow at work this week, all 16 hours of it. Last night was great; got to catch up with an old friend that I don't get to talk to much. Happy Birthday, Oliver! Went with Rachel to her riding lesson at a nearby barn. Small piece of heaven, I assure you. If I had some extra cash floating around, I would be riding there on a weekly basis. But it was fun to get to go and watch Rachel ride; she's quite accomplished. LOST capped off the evening. Whew! Supposed to work today, but then didn't, so I'm trying to make myself work at home for awhile with the reward of making M&M cookies this afternoon. Should be good.

Had this thought earlier in the week: Sometimes I think we get so caught up trying to figure life out that we forget to truly live. Been thinking about that one and trying to remind myself to take those moments to soak up some sun, encourage a buddy, see beauty around me, work on building relationships, laughing more and worrying less. Sometimes I need to stop trying to detail life out and just let it happen.

At this time in 1 WEEK, we will have been playing kickball for two and a half hours with 47.5 more hours to go. Woohoo! Getting super excited about the weekend; can't believe it's already here. Please be in prayer for our big weekend and as always, for those sweet kids in Ghana.

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