All in a week's work...

posted by Gretchen

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In the last 168 hours I:

*said a very sad goodbye to my iPod mini. It was a good 5 year run, but playing 2 songs before the battery dies just isn't cutting it anymore.

*have been blessed to welcome Micah Elisabeth Field to her sweet family. God is so good!

*embraced wintertime temperatures. Sorta.

*have been booted from a freelance job for requesting two days off for Christmas after working consistent 50-60 hrs/wk for the past 5 weeks.

*realized just how out-of-shape I am in preparation for Houston, YET how excited I am for the race.

*discovered the need for compartmentalizing life.

*sang my praises to the individual who invented car seat heaters.

*enjoyed a Friday night out – it's been WAY too long.

*caught up with some old friends.

*met someone who grew up in Australia.

*ate at Macaroni Grill – always a favorite.

*confirmed the fact that I detest Wal-Mart.

*experienced the microwavable soup container for the first time. Those things are pretty cool.

*begrudgingly started Christmas shopping.

... and a million other things.

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