It's here! It's here!

posted by Gretchen

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Fall is finally here! Temperatures are cooling and Honeycrisp apples are $1/lb. at the grocery store (eating one right now). Love. It.

It’s been yet another busy week here in Dallas. We moved apartments this last weekend and have been busy painting, cleaning, unpacking and rearranging. But most everything seems to be settled; we lack only to get pictures up on the walls. The neighbors are pretty low-key so far, aside from the incessant barking of one “trot-line bait” dog across the way. That’ll have to stop…

Anyway, filling my time over the next 10 days making all the last minute preparations for our craft show on the 10-11th. Can’t believe it’s actually right around the corner. Lots to accomplish between now and then, that’s for sure. Wrapping up a few other projects as well in the next few weeks and then will be ready to breathe again… and gear up for the relay at the end of the month!

Our Heritage crew enjoyed another fantastic Salt –n- Light activity on Sunday night. We took about 40 pizzas, drinks, and dessert down the road to an apartment complex to share with our neighbors there; about 60-70 people showed up for dinner and good conversation. I’m always reminded in doing things like this that as much as we hope to bless the lives of those around us, we tend to walk away equally (if not more so) blessed by them. Such was certainly the case on Sunday night. Looking forward to many more similar occasions in the future.

And now, some parting words of wisdom: "Even after all these years, running continues to amaze me. Mostly in its ability to clarify - to make things OK and bring you back down to earth, even when things are insane. Especially when things are insane." ~Mark Remy (Executive Editor of Runner's World)

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