Not Much to Say

posted by Gretchen

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Ugh, can I take a sick day? Oh wait...

• Sorting. Cleaning out. Transferring pictures, files, and music over to Mac. Loading software and fonts. CS4 is up-n-running!

• The new Harry Potter looks fantastic. July 15, kids, July 15.

• Found an old cd from our UCC youth group back in the day (2002-ish). It's amazing. I tried to upload a song for your audio pleasure, but can't get it to work for some reason. A great loss, I assure you.

• Sat out by the pool for a long time the other night. Peaceful. Quiet. And then I had to go back to the real world.

• American Idol... Surprised, but glad. Can't help but root for the guy who plays the guitar, even if the other was the favorite to win. Still claiming that Kris looks like Freddie Prinze Jr. How has nobody else noticed that?

• Found an opening as a Designer/Illustrator at a stationary company that would be pretty neat. Too bad it's in FW. But don't worry, I applied anyway.

• Making weekend plans, though not sure what all that will entail. Who's surprised?

• Searching possible races, hoping to find one or two to keep the motivation up through the summer. 8K on July 4th? We'll see.

That's all I got. Enjoy the holiday weekend...

Oh, and have I mentioned that this dog keeps peeing all over our front door? Cause it does. Makes me SO mad!

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