Good weekend, very relaxing and restful. Can't beat that. Not much else to report, but I came across a post from Mike Cope's blog, via another site where it was linked as well. Random. But I think it's really good and convicting, so I thought I'd share it.
* When was the last time a Christian college named a blue collar worker with a modest income to its Board of Trustees because he or she was a devoted follower of Jesus with much wisdom to offer?
* When was the last time Robert Schuller bumped a celebrity from his television program to interview an elderly widow who gives generously from her Social Security check?
* When was the last time special visits were made by the ministers and elders to an unemployed family, encouraging them to "place membership" at their congregation?
* When was the last time one of our institutes of higher learning named a building for someone who never was able to give $100 but who modeled the life of costly discipleship?
* When was the last time the shepherds of a church confronted someone over a covetous, materialistic lifestyle?
* When was the last time a brother or sister was disfellowshipped for being greedy (1 Cor.5:11)?
* When was the last time a church moved from the suburbs to the heart of the city to try to reach the poor?
* When was the last time a Christian family "downscaled," not because they couldn't make their high payments any more but because those high payments stretched them to the point of being unable to contribute to the church or to help people in need?
* When was the last time a confession was read at church confessing love of money?
* When was the last time a Christian "made it big" without it affecting the size of their house of the model of their car?
* When was the last time a Christian college named as their "alumnus of the year" a single mother who, out of great love for God and her children, had managed to juggle both a secretarial job in the marketplace and a parenting job at home?
* When was the last time we really listened to the haunting words of Jesus: "a person's life does not consist in the abundance of possessions" (Luke 12:15)?
* And when was the last time we faced up to the piercing implications of James 2:1: "as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don't show favoritism"?
posted by Gretchen
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